Chat Bots

Djem Telegram Bot


Djem sp.z.o.o, Warszaw, Poland


2021 - Present

Services Offered:

Chat bot development for Telegram

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Djem project provides services for legal work in Taxi (Uber/BOLT/FreeNow) in Poland. They need a Telegram bot to help them with:

  • telegram groups moderation
  • processing of car sale/rent adverts from users
  • giveaways holding
  • spam cleanup
  • automated reminders posting to Djem groups

We've built a custom Telegram chat bot for Djem and bot adminstrator dashboard using Ruby on Rails, Sidekiq and React.js.

Team: 3 Full Stack developers (Ruby, JavaScript, Elixir)

The scope of our work: Backend and Frontend

Technologies and services we've used:

Backend: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, JSON API, Pundit

Frontend: React, TypeScript,

Integrations: Telegram Bot API

Tools (hosting, monitoring etc.): Digital Ocean, Nginx, RSpec, Capybara, Rollbar

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